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Michel Meunier

Michel Meunier – Surviving Covid-19 as a small local nonprofit

These are very strange times. Never in my lifetime have I had to deal with a virus pandemic hitting so close to home, and navigating COVID-19 has been a big challenge, especially in my role as the ED of a local animal rescue organization. Everyone looks to me for guidance, and I was learning as I went along and doing my best to keep up with both the worldwide/national/local news and facts for my decision making.

Barbara Alvarez

Barbara Alvarez – Alone, Together

At the beginning of March, we were hearing worrisome reports about coronavirus—officially named “COVID-19.” At that point, we were still free to move around as we pleased—going to stores, for a hike at Garden of the Gods and even to Olive Garden to celebrate my birthday, which fell two days before Miabella’s birthday (my granddaughter). We were being careful already; we just weren’t staying at home and self-isolating from the world outside my son’s home.

Lisa Lucca

Lisa Lucca – My calm Interior

What has changed is on the inside, my usually calm interior experiencing a stress I had worked hard in my life to eliminate. Fear creeps in about how my mother in Illinois is doing in her independent living community that feels anything but right now as she is captive in her apartment. I am calmed by the knowing that we moved her there from her townhouse on the first of March, just in time, and that she is being looked after.