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Giovanni's grave site May 2019

Giovanni Maria de Agostini

The mysteries of Giovanni Maria de Agostini continues. I recently visited a tucked away graveyard in Mesilla, NM. And here is what I found . . .

I recently wanted to visit the cave where Giovanni Maria de Agostini lived in the Organ Mountains of NM, so I was telling a friend of my plans. He immediately replied that he knows where Giovanni is buried. 

João Maria D’Agostini, or Giovanni Maria de Agostini (1801 – 17 April 1869), was a lay monk of Italian origin who traveled widely in South and North America preaching and healing with herbal remedies.  Part of his life he lived near Las Cruces in a cave in the Organ Mountains, where he eventually was murdered!

The day before our visit to the grave site my friend informed me that a  local historian from Mesilla, NM, Mr. David  G. Thomas (who is an expert on the history of Giovanni) would meet us at the grave site and tell us all about Giovanni.

You don’t know anything about Giovanni Maria de Agostini?  click here>>

As we arrived at the grave site in Mesilla, NM, and as David gave us a long, very interesting historical explanation of Giovanni’s life, it became clear to me how certain events are altered and changed throughout history . . . and they later become facts.  (Please view the video below, and notice how many times the gravestone was changed with incorrect information.)

How is it possible for anyone to destroy the original grave stone, and replace it with a new one WITH WRONG information?

Why doesn’t the local Historical Society in the area or the local law enforcement find the need to follow up on this act?  And why does not anyone feel it necessary to change the date of death as it is incorrect on the marker now ?

What is our obligation towards history, and who do we entrust to be the gatekeeper that maintains historical facts for generations to come?

Local historian and author David G.  Thomas explains:

To learn more about Giovanni and his life as a hermit, purchase David G Thomas’ book : “Giovanni Maria de Agostini”.

Cave in the Organ Mountains, where Giovanni Maria de Agostini lived:

Mountain where cave is located
Entrance of Cave
Cave interior


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Manfred schreyer
Manfred Schreyer

I am a freelance photographer and cultural photo journalist, located in Las Cruces, NM

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